Thinking of applying to private school? A little early preparation never hurt anyone.

Ten-year-old Emma Liu can’t wait to start school this fall. However, when September finally rolls around, Emma won’t be wearing her usual jeans and sneakers to school. Instead, she will don the vivid green uniform of her local private school, an institution known for its rigorous academics and impressive facilities. Continue reading “Thinking of applying to private school? A little early preparation never hurt anyone.”

School’s NOT out for summer: Thinking of taking a summer credit course? You’re not alone.

Summer. These two fleeting months have long been eagerly anticipated by students anxious to escape the stuffy classroom and soak up the sun. In past generations, students typically spent these months lounging at the community pool, playing sports or perhaps working a summer job.  

Continue reading “School’s NOT out for summer: Thinking of taking a summer credit course? You’re not alone.”