The Junior and Senior Math Boosters are carefully designed to support high school students at different points in the secondary mathematics curriculum. Each booster has been developed with two objectives in mind. The first objective is to guarantee that students have sufficient mastery of the previous year’s curriculum to support next year’s learning. The second objective is to introduce students to the concepts and skills they will encounter in the upcoming year, giving them a jump start on the learning ahead.

The Junior Math Boosters are tailored for younger students in Grades 9 and 10. The Grade 9 Booster supports the unique needs of students entering secondary school. The program begins with a comprehensive review of the Grade 8 mathematics curriculum; if needed, our tutors also reach further back to address skill deficits that may have gone unaddressed over the years. In our experience, this type of remediation is crucial for success in high school mathematics. Following the review component, students transition into next year’s curriculum and finish the course with a strong foundation for the coming year.

The Grade 10 Booster follows a similar structure, consolidating knowledge from the first year of the secondary mathematics curriculum and introducing many of the core principles and skills taught in Grade 11.
The Junior Math Boosters are scheduled during the months and July and August and includes 16 hours of instruction. Individual instruction is available at a cost of $1,300 per student, while small-group instruction (2+ students) is available at a cost of $1,000 per student. Please note that Forest Hill Tutoring does not coordinate group classes; any clients interested in the small-group option will need to liaise independently with other interested students.

The Senior Math Boosters support older students entering their final two years of high school. The Grade 11 Booster targets students who may need to revisit elements of the Grades 9 and 10 mathematics curriculum. Grade 11 is a notable transition point in the mathematics pathway and constitutes a significant “step up” in terms of the rigor of the material and overall expectations. As such, students are best positioned for success when they have a very solid grasp of the material taught in the first two years of the secondary mathematics program. As with the Junior Math Boosters, the Grade 11 Booster also familiarizes students with principles and skills to be introduced in the coming year.
The Grade 12 Booster ensures that students enter their final year of high school equipped with the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed. Grade 12 is, of course, a significant year that prepares students for the upcoming demands of post-secondary study. Furthermore, unlike in previous years, some students, depending on their post-secondary plans, may be required to complete multiple mathematics courses. It is thus crucial that learning gaps be addressed prior to the beginning of this critical year. We offer three boosters at this level, each corresponding to one of the three university preparation math courses in the Grade 12 curriculum (Advanced Functions, Calculus and Vectors, and Mathematics of Data Management). Depending on a student’s interests and plans, he or she may choose to take one or more of these booster programs.

The Senior Math Boosters are scheduled during the months and July and August and includes 20 hours of instruction. Individual instruction is available at a cost of $1,500 per student, while small-group instruction (2+ students) is available at a cost of $1,200 per student. Please note that Forest Hill Tutoring does not coordinate group classes; any clients interested in the small-group option will need to liaise independently with other interested students.